- Influenza spreads mainly person-to-person through coughing or sneezing of infected people.
- Cover your nose & mouth with a tissue while sneezing. Discard the tissue in trash.
- Wash your hands with water & soap.
- AVOID contact of your hand with EYES, NOSE, MOUTH.
- After coming back home, wash your hands thoroughly. One can get infected by touching an infected object like lift handle, etc and then touching your nose, mouth or eyes.
- Any symptom, if appear, should immediately be reported to medical authorities.
- The patient should remain at home or hospitalized. He/she should never try to mingle with others as long as he is ill.
- Keep track of the latest news and advice from authenticated sources like CDC and other news platforms.
Those who wish to research the topic may as well go to this interactive map available at BBC website. The interactive timeline of Flu outbreak wonderfully describes the date-wise pattern of outbreak.