
Mendeley 1.0 has finally arrived!

Mendeley, an excellent software for reference library management has finally come out of beta. The new version includes significant improvements in duplicate reference detection. However, this release still doesn't offer portability to the application which is an equally important tool these days. So those who work on different computers have to install Mendeley on each machine and access the documents via Mendeley's online library interface. This seems good but the catch is that the free version of Mendeley Web offers 'only' 1GB of space. Althoug if you wish you can always pay and get some decent webspace for your files.
Read more about the latest release here and download the application from here.

Are cancers newly evolved species?

A molecular biologists has long believed that cancer results from chromosome disruption rather than a handful of gene mutations, which is the dominant theory today. That idea has led him to propose that cancers have actually evolved new chromosomal karyotypes that qualify them as autonomous species, akin to parasites and much different from their human hosts. Read more...