
Ten Rules to Attain True Happiness

Make a List of things you are blessed with and feel grateful and be thankful to the giver.
Be a part of Good Social Network – sense of happiness increases with good time spent even with strangers.
Try to remember the memories of good times, events, functions and occasions which you enjoyed in the past.
Choose memories not materials or objects when given a choice - like choose a vacation / visit instead of buying some article of interest.
Try to always smile even at the absurdities. Enjoy more and more humor as it amplifies your happiness – like classic shows that never fail to make you laugh openly.
Escape to some memorable place, mentally, where you always want to enjoy the moments with nature or friends – Just play the video in your mind and enjoy the place where you listen to water falling or sea waves or smell the fragrance of flowers chirping of birds or sitting at a calm and comfortable place with full concentration towards the Supreme LORD.

Be positive in every situation and find what is good in that instead of finding errors and faults to be angry and depressed. Try to be content with what you are and what you have been given by the Creator. - Try to enjoy every moment of life by looking at positive side.
Always try to find some time to enjoy the creative person in yourself – by singing or listening music, writing poetry this will enable you forget the sorrow or pain you may be suffering from.
Always try to do some good to others without looking for any return – help some needful person with words of knowledge and wisdom, an object he need or some money. Give a gift to some one you love and say few good words about him.
Celebrate some event without waiting for its real day (like Birth day etc.) Call all your close relatives and friends and enjoy the event.
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The happiest people don't have the best of everything.
They just make the best of everything.
True Happiness

Ratan Saini.